Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I thought I had finished my beautiful cable/lace pullover, only to discover that the neckline was WAY too big (as I had really suspected it would be) even after using smaller needles for the finishing. So I pulled the neckline back and have a plan to decrease significantly all the way around in hopes of keeping the sweater on my body. It is supposed to be a boat neck, but the way it is designed it will not stay on a person who has to move to, say, breathe. The rest of the sweater fits beautifully, so I can't wait to finish it and wear it!

This is a new pattern I'm working up. The title at the moment is "The Socialist - one sweater for all." I have plans to make this pattern in sizes infant thru adult (men included). More details forthcoming.

I have other knitting, too, but it is gift knitting so I can't blog about it as that would ruin the surprise.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Stash Enhancement and Other Weekend Activities

Originally uploaded by piecesofstring

Friday we got to see Ozomatli in Chicago's Millennium Park. Way cool, since we're all big fans. Just when we thought it couldn't get any better for the kids, the band asked the audience to introduce themselves to each other and piped in the "Mr. Rogers" theme song. You should have seen them squinting at the stage trying to get a good look at Mr. Rogers! Couldn't get any decent shots of the band, so the happy family picture will have to suffice. We've also got the obligatory "bean" pics:

Saturday took us to the Renegade Craft Fair, where I exercised EXTREME self-restraint and came home only with this:

...some handspun corriedale plied with flower-dyed wool. It will probably be a pair of mittens. Or maybe a hat.

All in all, not a bad weekend.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jackson!

Pirate Jack
Originally uploaded by piecesofstring

So Jackson is 5 years old today. Yesterday he decided to play pirates, so he fashioned the costume you see pictured. All on his own...no suggestions from anyone. The white strip across his forehead has an eye patch attached to it, and he's holding a telescope in addition to the flag (and that's a map in his lap). What can you say about a kid like this? I just hope that he uses his powers of creativity and resourcefulness for only good...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Slow Children

Slow Children
Originally uploaded by piecesofstring

...I may be biased, but my children are anything but slow. Food for thought from my son, who will turn 5 this week:

Jackson: Why are there slow children here?
Me: Well...there aren't really slow children here, the sign is just telling people to drive slowly because there are a lot of children around.
Jackson: But that's not what the sign says.
Me: I know, but that's what it means.
Jackson: They should really make the sign say what it means.

And in another weekend exchange:

Jackson: That sure is a big house!
Me: I think it's a church.
Jackson: Oh...what's a church? (aside - he's been to church, but we haven't attended regularly since he learned to throw things...like the hymnals and bibles in the back of the pew in front of us)
Me: It's a place where people think about their lives and what it means to be a nice person and what it means to help other people.
Jackson: Shouldn't people do that at other places, too?

I know I'll always carry that conversation with me, and I hope my children will, too.

There was knitting, too:

I know, I know, and I did make significant progress on the second sleeve for the cable/lace pullover. But I couldn't resist this brand new yarn at the LYS, Shi Bui Sock. They're going to be the cutest fingerless mittens, ever, and I actually own no mittens with fingers or otherwise. Besides...they'll make a great model at the store. They'll be all done in a day or so and then I PROMISE I'll finish the pullover.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Happy Birthday, Noelle!

My beautiful daughter, Noelle, is 3 years old today.

Here is what's on the needles for her:

The pattern is called Blue Lagoon, from the book "Paintbox Knits" (...I think). The yarn is Mission Falls 1824 Cotton. It's not a birthday present, so it doesn't matter that it's not finished yet. What does matter is that I'm having a hard time staying focused on it when I've got other things on the needles:

Cable/Lace Pullover from VK Spring/Summer 2005

Mystery Stole #3 in progress

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Getting My Feet Wet

Hello! I've just created this thing, and am not quite sure if I even have the technology to do it well. But it's a start...check back for knitting (and life) updates.